Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Goodbye National Poetry Month

Seriously, I'm a little glad the month is gone..it is much easier to handle National Running Month than national Poetry Month.  Here's my last poem in celebration:

Lines In the Sand

I feel that line dissolving
In how I relate to you.
I see my old prejudices
Melting like the snow
In the sun of new found
To things I never questioned.

The line had always been
don't cross it, don't
That's the way it is.

But now we are
I don't see that line
The one I crossed
Once meeting you.

Monday, April 29, 2013

So sad

Why do you look so sad
Is it because you made me mad?
Waiting until it is time for bed,
Rolling in some poop instead.
What do you expect?
A sweet "atta girl" or some respect?
Why are you so surprised,
You 3 years should make you wise.
But like my children you are a lucky one.
I'll forgive you this little fun.

Sunday, April 28, 2013


Light reading for some
Teaching me lessons bar none
Giving inspiration and hope
Helping me continue and cope
Need something light for your mind
Inspiration in the pages you'll find.

Friday, April 26, 2013


Poor little bug
Running feverishly across the sidewalk.
Is it trying to get to the other side
or trying to get away from me?
Am I trying to get to the other side
or just trying?

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Whole Latte Love

Such a pretty cup
Of pick me up coffee
Much needed today.

Enjoying a little quiet editing time at Camino Bakery with a good cup of joe.  You forget how much you love a good cup of coffee until you finally pick one up, complete with the artwork in the froth.  Yes, it is the little things that count.  Amazing how much work you can get done when you leave the home.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

A child's love

I found a little gift today.
Something from the heart.
It gave me a few tears,
Just to start.

Handmade is the best,
using an old favorite toy.
Handwriting getting clearer
from a sweet little boy.

It says what's in his heart
those sweet I Love You's
simple, yet powerful phrase.
to me a dream come true.

A simple little gift,
made with love that's pure
is the perfect little gift
From  a Mom's love safe and sure!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Boston Strong

We run along,
knowing that we are Boston Strong.
Thinking of those we lost,
Freedom does have a cost.
Each time the feet hit the ground,
There is freedom in that sound.
For there is no stopping we are one,
We will not quit until we have won.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Add a little this

Cooking in the kitchen,
the smells fill the air.
Adding in the color
Give it a little flair.

Round of olive oil
some chicken and some rice
A little soy sauce
Flavors it just right.

Peppers, carrots and onions
give it a healthful twist,
some ginger and hoisin sauce
cannot be missed.

Something's missing,
It doesn't have any heat
Ahh, a little sirachi chili sauce,
cannot be beat.

Setting it on the table
Everyone gives me a smile
Hey, maybe they'll eat it,
and I'll be out of the kitchen for a while.

Friday, April 19, 2013


I cannot define victory
So many cheer
I know this is evil
but I still shed a tear

For innocence lost
for families in pain
for those that went out the door
and will never come home again

For a mother's loss
not through death 
a child going down the wrong path
giving it their very last breath.

Victory makes me wonder
will we ever be safe and secure
Now that our world has changed
Normal is now nevermore

But I stand with the people
straight, tall and proud.
I'll cheer with them
Our voices united and proud.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Too little time

Things start speeding up
When you try to pause
Go there, do this
Contribute time to this cause.

Can't we just slow down
And hold what is dear
Rather than running off
Forgetting half our gear

Today I will take the time
To say I love you
Because in the end
It's what you say not what you do.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Life interfering

Wouldn't it be nice
If life didn't get in the way
If everyone could do what they want
Skipping rocks and play?

We could lay in the grass
Watch the clouds float by
Rather than paying bills
And working out at the Y

Run barefoot jump off the pier
Catch a fish or two
Rather than washing dishes
After cooking Melang stew

For when life butts in and-makes things crazy
Remember those times of you and me
When you got a break and life was good
And you spent the day free

Carry On

When the world tries to knock you down
You can stay there
You can stand back up 
And keep carrying on.

When someone tries to ram
their message down your throat
you can give their voice
a platform
or you can stand back up
and keep carrying on.

When things want to weigh
down our spirit
accept that you 
cannot change them
but you can stand back up
and keep carrying on.

Those that are lost
are the voices we hear
not the words of those that 
want to perpetuate fear
so stand back up
and keep carrying on.

Monday, April 15, 2013

The birthday Party

How much fun can
You pack in a year?
Enough to fill a backyard
With kids and laser gear?

Can you take your age
in a slice of ice cream cake?
Then double it twice
For Pete's sake?

Can there be a shout of laughter
For each year
Maybe adding another one
to cover each tear?

Making the birthday fun
Seems the fitting end
To celebrate another year gone by
With family and friends.

Saturday, April 13, 2013


H - hosting an event that doesn't just define fitness it defines hope
O - Openly giving it our all - and PR's to boot.
P - People gathered to honored those with us and those that have passed.
E - Everyone with HOPE in their eyes and a light step in their hearts.

Please oh, please

Please oh, please let me get to them
There are not that far away.
Why do they not fly
Why do they stay?

Don't they see me, the ferocious dog
Hunter of the bird?
Don't they shake on their perches,
Why are they so absurd.

I'll sit here and bide my time,
relaxing as they play,
Knowing the minute that door opens,
Oh happy DAY!
They are MINE to stay!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

The birthday

How does this come up up year after year
And surprise me?
I mean, my son has gotten taller.
Above me, he slowly creeps.

How is it that a year can go by so fast
Then I think of all the memories
So much fun in a year
As we put it in the past.

How can this little baby
Who once kept me up all night,
Now walk out the door with a slow stride,
A grown up smile as I write?

Time marches on as he proudly exclaims
Today I'm getting old,
When in my mind I think
Oh I'll explain age if you want me to be bold.

But I let him celebrate
I mean, that's the fun part of being a child
As I freak about time passing too quickly
As behind the cake I smiled.


Green powder everywhere
In my nose and down my throat
You'll not ruin my run!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


S - Smoltering in the heat
P - Praying this doesn't mean a brutal summer
R - Resisting the urge to turn on the AC
I - insisting the boys wear shorts to school.
N - Not looking forward to my long run.
G - Getting my mind wrapped around heat.

Gotta love North Carolina weather!

Monday, April 8, 2013

If I took you to the moon

If I took you to the moon,
We'd ride past the stars,
Slide down the Milky Way
Possibly stopping to take a bite.

If I took you to the Mon
You'd be surprised
That its not made of cheese
But fluffy sticky cotton candy.

If I took you to the Moon
It's just a trip for you and me
Because no one else will understand
What it takes to make the trip

If I took you to the Moon
We'd start by closing our eyes
Holding hands
And taking that leap of imagination.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Goodbye Spring Break

Goodbye Spring Break
So sad to see it end.

What fun we had during our time,
Let's not talk about the money we spent.

Snow, hikes, great food.
We forgot about Math and Art

What is Science?
Somehow in a week we lost our smarts.

So now we restart the brain,
The body, pick up a pen.

And look forward to Summer break,
When the fun begins again.

Friday, April 5, 2013


Spring is trying so hard,
To get a foothold,
Ice in the trees of my yard,
Means we're still hanging onto the cold.

Now that skiing is done,
Time to dust off the bike,
Get out and have some fun.
Maybe even brave the temps for a hike.

Funny that soon we'll change our tune,
When we start to complain,
Africa heat before the start of June,
As the sun we'll distain.

So move from freezing to heat,
from skis to flip flops
Because the weather in NC cannot be beat,
Our Winter to Summer hop.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Lost phone

The lost iPhone

It's amazing how a computer can track a thing,
Yet not really know where it is.
I watch the tiny green dot travel across the 
Parking garage
Making its way thought security
Because my husband is very happy
That my Iphone is lost
There's the lot attendants listening at all the sounds of lost mode.
There's that look on his face
As he returns looking for it
I'm almost glad, they have to mail it back
Which means more of a vacation
For the next couple of days.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

If a Moose Came to Visit

Funny, we saw a Moose today on the ride up the mountain.

If a moose came to visit, 
Would anyone believe me?
Would they think I just made it up?
Of that he was actually out there to ski?

If a moose came to visit, 
I'd let him in through the door
I'd let him in my room,
Especially if he didn't snore.

Did you know he likes bagels, 
Especially when soft and warm,
He'll even add a little red pepper jelly,
Because he thinks that's the norm.

The problem is how he'll fit in my home,
His antlers are too tall,
He'll take out the furniture, be careful,
the lamps, the shades, he'd take it all.

How could I feed this animal, this burley beast,
Should I feel him my lunch from school,
Perhaps a Lean Cuisine, 
Naw, he wouldn't think it was cool.

If a Moose came to visit, it'd be so fun.
we'd eat fun stuff, he go on the run.
But i'd have to let him go, to let him free.
Because a Moose in my home is not the best place to be.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


I found a scrap of paper
With just the word "you."
In my mind, I wondered,
Did someone rip this in two?
Maybe a love letter, I thought with a sigh.
Maybe he didn't want it,he was saying goodbye.
Perhaps just a grocery list,
Like a Honey Do
I like to think it was sealed with a kiss
And I love you too.
It's not to me,
So why do I spend the time
Just let the paper fly away
And the story form in my mind.

PS the paper was found at the bottom of the lift, would have missed it if I was too busy watching this guy.

Monday, April 1, 2013


Did you know that April is National Poetry Month?  So every day you'll get my sick, twister, mind in rhyming style.  Aren't you excited?

If I could travel out of my mind,
I'd go to a place where snow I could find
I'd jump over a mogul in the air,
Skittle down a run without a care.
And at the very bottom is what I hope.
Exists a terrain park, not a slope
there is such a place if you can plan.
A funny little place called Neff land.
Full of snow, tricks, boxes and rails,
Watching each kid as they sail.
Me?  I watch and swish down the side,
Knowing that it's only my kids that will ride.
As I exit I wonder, was that really a place?
Or something simply in my grey space?