Wednesday, April 3, 2013

If a Moose Came to Visit

Funny, we saw a Moose today on the ride up the mountain.

If a moose came to visit, 
Would anyone believe me?
Would they think I just made it up?
Of that he was actually out there to ski?

If a moose came to visit, 
I'd let him in through the door
I'd let him in my room,
Especially if he didn't snore.

Did you know he likes bagels, 
Especially when soft and warm,
He'll even add a little red pepper jelly,
Because he thinks that's the norm.

The problem is how he'll fit in my home,
His antlers are too tall,
He'll take out the furniture, be careful,
the lamps, the shades, he'd take it all.

How could I feed this animal, this burley beast,
Should I feel him my lunch from school,
Perhaps a Lean Cuisine, 
Naw, he wouldn't think it was cool.

If a Moose came to visit, it'd be so fun.
we'd eat fun stuff, he go on the run.
But i'd have to let him go, to let him free.
Because a Moose in my home is not the best place to be.

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