Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Just when you think it is Spring, Mother Nature throws a curve ball.
Here's the spring flowers peeking through the mulch, a fallen birds nest.
Warm temperatures and rain make January feel move like April.
Don't let appearances deceive you.
A Winter Watch with snow is in the forecast for Thursday night.
In North Carolina we have our ritual to guarrantee a snow day.
Which being few and far between, we have to work hard at them.
Wear the pajamas inside out, put the cotton balls between the toes,
flush the ice cubes down the toilet
All to keep the dream alive.
Could it be the white stuff on the ground or no school?
Which one is more desirable?

1 comment:

  1. I will take snow over this cold, yucky rain any day... I am hoping for a delay... No need to go an extra day in June. Why not have the snow come Friday night and then we have 4 days to enjoy it all without missing any school!
