Thursday, February 28, 2013

The box

A poem I composed this morning when I saw this box created by my son:

One day, cleaning out my soul.
Nestled under my ego,
I found a pretty little box.
I held it in my hands
What in here?
I don't remember this?
Where did it come from?
I opened it slowly, listening to the creak,
What beautiful treasures,
Pieces of my life.
Things that I couldn't let go of,
Memories now crystal clear.
I realized that these were pieces
I couldn't let go
So I tuck them away
In this box, protected.
Until I was ready.
Putting the box under my arm,
I left the cleaning 
For another day.
Ready to explore and share
My treasures.

1 comment:

  1. I always recommend putting off cleaning and reminiscing down memory lane!
